I'm about to make myself un-popular, I'm afraid, but before I do I want to say something. Something I've actually said all too much in recent weeks - I Am Not a Racist, White Supremacist, White Separatist or any other form of "intolerant". There, happy now? Everyone can relax.
Well, probably not... after all, I'm about to say some rather imflamatory things that are quite contradictory to the current en-vogue perspective on how things "should be" as propogated in school and on tee-vee...
I've been watching the news on TV, reading the papers, and checking out the media outlets online as well as blogs and other webpages. I am a sort of infophile, I like to be informed. Unfortunately, instead of being informed lately I've been hearing more about how recent events in New Orleans and the rebuilding process are some sort of "war" on the black community.
Louis Farrakhan (Bloggers spell checker things Farrakhan should be Foreskin, as a humorous note) has stood up and said he knows, knows by Allah!, that Bush blew up the levee's in NOLA to flood the black areas of NOLA and kill or drive out the black people. Of course, ol' Louie is a fucking idiot, and I think everyone knows that (except for a passel of other religious zealots who think Louieness is next to Allah-y-ness).
Similar nuttery has been going around the web, with everyone from Aztlan (a Hispanic "radical" movement) to individual black bloggers claiming that, if no criminal detonations occurred, that racism at least occurred in the evacuation policies and is continuing in the current rebuilding. Again, just the tin-foil hat crowd venting their spleens.
But, tonight on the news there was a spokesman from the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) talking about how 33.6% of the black population wont be returning to New Orleans, and how that's part of a great white conspiracy to rebuild NOLA as a "white" city.
Do people actually believe this shit? Is there a large portion of the "African-American" population who is actually rallying around the idea that this is some great act of white hatred against "African-Americans"? (I hate that term - just as much as I hate "Welsh-Americans" [which I am] or "Irish-Americans" - We're American. Period. That's what American is, a melting pot nationality. If that's not good enough for you, if you have to add "African" or "Irish" or "Mexican" in front of American, then you loyalty is not with your country, so why don’t you go elsewhere?)
It was a natural disaster. They happen. They always have happened and they always will happen. Some will do relatively little, and some are going to do truly horrible things, but no matter what they are completely, totally, natural events.
People, of all colors and creeds, need to pull their heads out of the sand and accept this - the world is a hostile place, things do go bump in the night, its the natural order, life is hard, survival is not guaranteed but death is.
We need to stop looking for people to blame - we cant blame someone else for every thing that happens.
Yes, the system and its leaders failed miserably and didn't do for the people in the path of Hurricane Katrina what should have been done to make them safe - but did those people fail maliciously just to target black people?
Most certainly not. The majority of the population of New Orleans before Katrina was black (66.6 percent). Almost the entire population of NOLA below the poverty line was black. Who were the people who couldn't evacuate? The poor. Terrible coincidence, but malicious and racist? Bullshit. White folks were left down there too. White folks got trapped in the Superdome or Convention Center too. As did Latino's, Orientals, and Native Americans.
Yes, most of the people were black - was that because whitey evacuated everyone who wasn't? No. Its a simple numbers thing, you have a majority in an area who is of type A, and something bad happens in that area, who will suffer the most from it? Yes, people of "Type A".
(Now, earlier I know I said that those who were left behind were the "entitled" fools who didn't bother to get smart enough to leave - and I stick by that. I realize no everyone was like that though, and many people honestly had no way to get out. You can fault people for making the foolish choice to be solely dependent upon the city for aid in an emergency, but you cant fault them much for being stranded when that city welcomed their dependence and then abandoned them because the mayor is a retard.)
And now, in the aftermath, as the city rebuilds there are claims that it’s going to rebuild as a "white city". And that may be true - but it’s not a racist issue. A lot of people, in the worst hit areas (the poorest areas) were black. Those people have left the state, and a great many of them have done so thanks to the kindness of their fellow Americans of all colors and creeds who have, out of the goodness of their hearts, provided money, clothes, a place to stay, jobs and even entire houses for displaced families.
If you were given a new house, and a new job, that greatly improved your status in life, would you go back to a city full of un-repairable water damaged homes, still covered in disease filled mud from between six and twelve feet of flooding? Of course you wouldn't. No one in his or her right mind would.
Are those people not coming back black? Yes, a lot of them are - a majority of the population of NOLA is black, and the majority of the affected and displaced are black. There is simply no way that the majority of people not returning would be anything but black.
But, despite this obvious "numbers issue" black activists (and all sorts of minority activists, including [especially] those rich white folks who want to assuage some of the mythical "white guilt" by pretending to give a rats ass) are claiming that it was all about race. That a black mayor abandoned every black person in his city, and that now he and everyone in charge of the rebuilding operations are continuing that trend of abandonment and failing to provide, as part of a great white conspiracy to kill, or drive out, black people. They are getting on TV and claiming this as the truth, and getting all riled up about it.
And this raises a question, at least for me, the question that's the title of this post (and that probably has all of you hot under the collar still) - Do they want to be niggers?
Now, I’m not saying “they are niggers” – I abhor racism, its vile – but these people who make these claims, who act like this and rally around these nonsensical ideas honestly seem to me as if they would be happier if everyone just called them “nigger”. They would feel justified in their claims if that happened – they want, so badly, for someone to blame, someone to be responsible for them, that I think they would actually accept the title of “nigger” so long as it gave them more leverage for their whining, crying and swindling of the system.
Many members of other minority groups do this, but right now yes I am focusing on blacks who do this.
They start out preaching “brotherhood” and “equality” as strength in the face of disaster, but at the first hint of something going wrong it starts, “Masa, help us! You owes us, Masa!” playing off bleeding-heart white guilt, that somehow by being a minority group they are worse off and more deserving of help than anyone else. And finally when that doesn't get enough attention, they are twisting events so they can say "Masa tried to KILL us, masa tried to drive us away, masa is conspirin’ ‘gainst us!”
Instead of standing up on their own two feet, and standing straight with their own spines, they want not only someone to blame, but someone other than themselves to be responsible for them.
They claim they want equality and independence, but when the chips are down what card gets played? The "We're a minority, you owe us!" card - they don't want to be equally responsible, they don't want to be independent when it means working, they want to be taken care of. And that is patently bullshit. If they don't want to be "whiteys nigger" then they need to suck it up, like they've got a pair, and stand up on their own legs instead of playing the "minority" card.
Being a minority isn’t an entitlement to snivel and wait for someone else to help you.
What happened to being truly proud of your heritage and taking strength from that? I thought that’s what “celebrating diversity” was all about.
Why cant people stand up and proudly say “I am ‘whatever’ and I don’t need anyone’s help – I am responsible for myself”?
What’s wrong with that? Nothing.
And oh yes, its paid a lot of lip service too – but when the chips are down, minorities are entitled, and the majority is guilty of nothing short of gross-criminal-negligence when we don’t kowtow to their ever whim, whine, snivel and sobbing demand.
And this is something we, as an entire nation of diverse ethnicities, have brought upon ourselves by celebrating Diversity, instead of Unirt.
This idea that we must all "celebrate diversity", and that being a minority makes you special leads to just this kind of behavior.
Celebrating diversity just creates more division between the races – it draws the dividing lines deeper, and then keeps filling them in with heavy black-ink.
If I celebrated a "white history month" I would be called a neo-Nazi and a racist scumbag, but Black History Month is a wonderful celebration of the oppressed and minority “African American” community in the nation.
Am I the only who sees these types of celebrations as just reinforcing to the idea that minorities are oppressed? You keep telling a people they are oppressed, and thus entitled, and pretty soon that’s the only world they will know.
But no, it’s beautiful to celebrate cultural “diversity”.
Everyone who is Latino, Asian, Black, or Middle Eastern is entitled to have a unique culture, and to celebrate it (here in America) as separate and special from American culture – but white American’s aren’t allowed shit, a celebration of that is “racist”.
Anyone else see the double standard here?
I have no problem with cultural heritage, but I think everyone should be entitled to celebrate theirs.
No one is any more special than anyone else because of the color of his or her skin. We're all human, that should be enough. "Special" is a quality of personal character, unique and individual to each and every human being - not to an entire group, race or religion.
Diversity is junk - it’s just another form of racism, promoting the drawing of dividing lines between the races and encouraging racist, classist, attitudes.
What we need is Unity, not Diversity.
Unity to stand up as Americans, as Humans, and rebuild our cities and populations after a disaster - to call to task those who failed, and to celebrate those who stood strong, not to hunt boogers and make up reasons to expand the dividing lines and cry "poor me!” That kind of thing is killing our nation, and is truly breeding racism.
We don't need "minority" and "majority" groups, when you make those kinds of definitions someone will ALWAYS get the short end of the stick. We don't need "Diversity" - that's just a nice word for saying "racial separatism" - we need Unity. Everyone standing up together - Strong, proud and capable, as Americans.
American should not be a bad word. American without and preface should not be a bad thing. Not Black-American, African-American, White-American, Irish-American, Indian-American, just plain AMERICAN. United, strong - one people who are capable of dealing with problems, fixing mistakes and rebuilding from disaster.
But... no. American is a bad word. We are not united. We are not strong. We are divided - we are minority or majority, we are "diverse", we are "something-American", and we are a bickering, quarrelsome, nation always pointing the finger at each other and screaming insults. We are weak.
And it makes me terribly sad. Because I am not only proud of my country, I love my country - I love the ideals that my country was founded upon, strength, self-reliance, and honest independence. And I love the people in my country, of all races, colors, and creeds, who uphold those ideals.
But, there are all these people, all shapes and sizes and colors of people, who don’t – and they are ruining my country.