Sunday, October 02, 2005

STI Lawman

Occasionally I buy a gun magazine to drool over the pictures (because I havent read a really good article in a gun magazine in years) and check out current trends and "whats hot" etc.
I've looked at STI guns off and on before, and nothing has ever really jumped up and struck me - but I happened to catch an ad for their Lawman model in the current issue of American Handgunner, and was impressed enough with its looks to take a look at the website.
Sweet piece. Out of my price range, but still very nice.
When I get myself a 1911 I'm probably going to get a low-end box-stock Springfield Armory or a Kimber and then build it up to something close to that Lawman right there, save a little money and get a better idea of what I'm getting.

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