Monday, October 10, 2005

Unauthorized Reproduction

I have, sometimes jokingly, said I think we need to license parenthood. On the whole I am not sure about this, because it is a restriction of freedom and it wouldnt stop anything bad from happening. Bad things will happen no matter how much the state tries to nanny its citizens. I favor a system that approaches anarchy far more than one that approaches the government controlling everything.
Far worse, in my opinion, than the government making us all prisoners of good intention by legislating protective measures for us all, is the government legislating morality. And by that I mean, the morals (often religion based) of our elected officials being used as the compass by which right and wrong is decided, and by which the people subject to the whims of those politicians are decreed to act and live, lest they face fines or imprisonment. Personal morality has nothing to do with government. A politician, or group of politicians, personal morals and opinions should always take a backseat to the majority opinion and moral within his/her consituency - and not just the majority he/she choses to listen to either.
Unfortunately, in this day and age, thats not how its done. We are a Christian nation, sanctioned by God to do as our politicians (who are on missions from God) decree is only right, and our compass for right and good will be, if not the bible itself, common born-again Christian doctrine. Not that thats what the people want, but thats certainly the way it is.
Apparently, in Indiana, this now means politicians are trying to legislate who can, and who can not, have babies.
Any woman seeking to get pregnant by means other than sexual intercourse, would have to be married under the proposed revisions to current law.
Fucking bullshit - it shouldnt be the states business what someones marriage status is, even if they do want to have kids. And you cant tell me its not a slap at the lesbian community. I mean, I hate to sound that way, like another liberal asswipe who always see's great conspiracy against the minorities (I am certainly not that) but really, who else would this hurt the most? And who else is viewed by many conservative politicians as "wrong" and needing to be criminalized? Right.
Its sad that our politicians A. stoop to this level and B. are allowed, if not encouraged to stoop to this level.
I am, for a large part, conservative - but this petty, Bible-thumping, morality that seems to be the driving force behind so many "conservative issues" is one of the most disgusting things I've ever encountered. Religion, more specifically, religion-derived morality, has no place, what-so-ever, in government.
And government has no place, what-so-ever, in peoples personal lives. The government is not there to define right and wrong for us, or to protect us from ourselves. Thats not the intent of the government of this nation - it is simply what we have allowed them to become. And now, we are subject to the whim of that particular monster.


Greg - Cowboy in the Jungle said...

A democracy only works until every one decides they can vote themselves rich.

Chaos-Live said...

Too true.