Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Re-Authorized Reproduction

So, the woman behind the proposed legislation I posted about below has taken it back. More complex indeed.
Swindlers - All politicians are swindlers. Doesnt matter what side they are on.

The scary thing is, most people never realize this fully - when a politician bandies about words people like to hear, they stand up behind that party. Liberals (in the modern definition) stand up when someone says "Ban Guns, Feed the homeless!", Conservatives stand up when someone says "Tax cuts! No anti-gun legislation!" and thats all she wrote.
People stand up for a party, and a person, through and through because of one or two issues and then let the rest slide, or ignore them.
I have some great friends who do this - smart, intelligent people, but they have jumped on one bandwagon or another and refuse to see it when a politician on their side, especially one they really like, does something dirty.
But they are all dirty - its not about partisanship, its certainly not about the constituency - its about the politicians themselves, their agendas, and their buddies (who most likely wrote, and then paid for, those "agendas"). As a commentator said in my last post, democracy only works until everyone decides they can vote themselves rich.
And it seems we're no longer a nation of citizens with spines to argue that point.

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