Warriors: The Shit on the Boots of the Progressive and Intellectual Elite
Victoria Cross Winner Branded War Criminal
A ruse that helped to win a soldier the Victoria Cross during the Second World War was a "war crime" and New Zealand should apologise to the families of the snipers he killed, it was claimed yesterday.Alfred Clive Hulme, the father of Denny Hulme, the late world motor racing champion, was awarded the VC for bravery in killing 33 German snipers over eight days during the Battle of Crete in 1941. He returned home a hero to the town of Nelson.
But a new book by two military historians says that, in winning his VC, Sgt Hulme committed "acts of perfidy" under international law.
Lt Col Glyn Harper, a professor at the New Zealand army's Military Studies Institute, who co-authored the book, In the Face of the Enemy, said that on one occasion Sgt Hulme donned a German paratrooper's smock, climbed up behind a nest of enemy snipers, and pretended to be part of their group.
"He shot the leader first, and as the other four snipers looked around to see where the shot had come from, Hulme also turned his head as if searching for the shooter," the book says.
"Then he shot and killed two more." He shot the other two as they tried to leave.
"Hulme deserved the VC for his outstanding bravery, but he shouldn't have done what he did in disguising himself."
Other academics have supported the book's claims. Peter Wills, the deputy director of the Centre for Peace Studies at Auckland University, said Sgt Hulme's actions were "unsanctioned murder".
He told the Sunday Star-Times that the New Zealand government should apologise to the families of the Germans he killed. Bill Hodge, associate professor of law at Auckland University, said killing enemy soldiers while wearing their uniform was "prima facie a war crime".
Sgt Hulme died in 1982. His daughter, Anita, said accusing him of war crimes was "a terrible thing to bring up".
His VC is on display in the army's national museum at its headquarters in Waiouru.
War is a nasty business - It is a dirty, ugly, pursuit in which dirty, ugly, horrible things are done. But war is a constant of human kind. We have always, and will always, make war. No amount of wishing otherwise will make it so.
It is easy for people ten, twenty, sixty years on to look back at our ancestors and pretend that we, as a species, have advanced so much in that time, have achieved a "higher mind" about violence and such nastiness. But the truth is? We havent. The people who seek to classify individuals such as Hulme as "war criminals" or similarly horrible adjectives are simply trying to reject a fundamental part of human nature, out of their desperate need to prove otherwise.
It disgusts me that a supposed warrior, the Light Colonel, would display such a tasteless, un-soldierly, attitude towards a man who went before, fought before and killed before. The desperate need of the intellectuals to prove the assertion that we have progressed past such base natures as killing and violence has left us, as a species, with the ranks of our true warriors muddied with warriors in name only.
To some, this is the ideal solution - The image, the look, of a warrior with the attitude of a non-violent protestor.
And they wont learn. There will still be enough true warriors in the world to hold the line between the enemy and the elite, and when the threat is driven back under its rock the nattering, nannying, morons will simply continue to blather about how awful violence is.
Bless the warriors - They are the sane.
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