Saturday, April 15, 2006

Dem Holocaust Blues

Gonna blow on over like a nuclear wind
Leavin' us dead and burnin' in the end
The world be gone, and momma's in the street
Dead dogs gonna eat our bones for the lack of meat
Huddlin' in the rubble and the smoke an' ash
Clouds o' human dust gonna clash
Down in the street an' down in the road
Stories that everybody done been told
School children under their desk
Payin' their respects not darin' to ask
"Dem Holocaust Blues", Unfinished Composition
Folks who are tracking on current events and forecasting their future, or trying to, based on what happens now are aware that things are changing, rapidly and aggressively. I simply call it a "shift", others have called it "the quickening", still others call it "the apocalypse" or even "end times".
I, personally, disagree - I do not believe things can or will simply end, at the whim of the universe. I do not believe human beings, hate them or love them, can or will simply be wiped from the face of the earth like snot off a glass coffee table. I, will not be wiped from the face of the earth like snot off a glass coffee table, I like it here and feel I still have a lot to learn here.
And there-in, I think, is the nature of the coming unpleasantness - Human will, very human forces, all at play all working for something, reaching breaking points. After so long, ignorance, greed, imperialism (ooohhh, I said it - although unlike the fuckknuckles who usually say it now, I dont mean the U.S. in Iraq. The Olive Tree Wars are the result of several centuries of colonialism and imperialism from mainly Europe), and the general disintegration of society in the mass of conflicting cultures, even conflicting "worlds" (the first world versus the so called "developing" world, those third and fourth world countries we have, in reality, forgotten except for the occasional $0.75 a day "adoption" of little Ndugu by some well meaning middle American whitebread church lady), are coming to a head. One force cannot hold back the others, but one cannot allow the necessary freedom to the others either - Everyone is trying to fit through the door at once, toes are getting stepped on, elbows are finding eye sockets, blood will be spilled.
And that is what is coming - Not an end, not in the conventional sense of "full stop, end", but an end as a beginning. I think it is what the world needs.
It has happened at least once before - probably more than that (The ancient cultures, the Sumerian and the Anasazi, didnt just fall off the face of the Earth.... yet for all intents and purposes their people did) - and after the dark ages there came a period of enlightenment, a renaissance of art, technology and eventually science. New religions supplant old, old take on new faces, new tools replace no tools, and people learn and grow - Society makes a surge forward.
It is a cycle.
The forest has to burn to grow properly. Everything has to burn. We're approaching our time.

It is my hope, that in the end, what will have been burned off at least for awhile will be the detritus, the fractured, disconnected, hateful elements that are driving us to the fire now. There always have to be some of those things, Balance in all things - but the balance is off, their weight is toppling the scale at the moment.
In a few generations, maybe it will be different. I doubt I will see it in my life - I am, honestly, simply looking forward to the cataclysm. After all, Chaos is one of my required nutrients, just how I'm made. I am looking forward to putting the first part of that famous Thomas Jefferson quote to work, with the absolute belief that my son will be a farmer, and his son will be an artist.

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