The One-Liner Motto for the Seven Minute Mensan
Too often people want a quip, a short quote, a simple instruction or a concise anecdote in place of greater, more in depth knowledge.
Too many who would profess to be warriors are masters, and the always seekers, of these one liners of wisdom and bad-assery. They collect, demand and return these eventually meaningless one-liners with an air of true knowledge. When someone says something that takes more than a minute to listen to, or twenty seconds to read, they pass it over. They demand their version of precision: small bits of information that sound good even if they are more noise than signal.
Fuck 'em says I.
I am a supposed product of the TeeVee generation - my attention span so badly damaged by watching the standard seven minute intervals between commercials over, and over, and over, and over again all my young life that now I no longer have the ability to pay attention for more than seven minutes at a time - or so they tell me. Despite this affliction, an affliction which I might add is literally changing the way teachers teach, text books are written and instructional material is presented (yes, its all being broken down tailored to seven minute mensans), anyway, despite this affliction I demand more than a one liner, more than a quip. Sometimes I have to force myself to read something longer, but it is still in the end what I want. If you cant focus on reading about it for more than a few seconds, you wont ever be able to focus on doing it, and until you've done it, you'll never really get it anyway.
Oh, you want a quip, a one liner, a snazzy zinger that rolls of the tongue in under thirty seconds? Fine. I added something to my roster of personal motto's the other day - Dont waste time being afraid thats better spent doing something about the problem.
The time to be afraid is later - the time to do is now.
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