Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time To Get it Right

Today is the last day of school for this term. Enter summer break. I’m sitting in the library, wrapping up a few last minute things, burning projects to disk for a professor, and watching the campus out the window. I’m suddenly not so sure what to do with myself, although I look forward to the break. This isn’t my first year of school, isn’t my first rodeo as the feller said, but it is my first year here.
I’ve never been part of a community like this, or had friends like these, before. I’ve never worked so hard, or played so hard. Summer is a blessing, and a curse. It means freedom and wide openness, no homework, no deadlines, no exams, but the wide openness is something of a vacuum as well.
I know many who are graduating this semester, now, this Saturday – one seems dead and gone, all but the cleanup, the now has been hazy to me for a few weeks, this Saturday is slightly more a tangible benchmark – and I have to wonder how I will feel in three or four years when I walk that road. It is hard enough leaving this place, watching friends leave this place, for a summer.
I have a road to walk that will take me away from here. Even graduate school will take me elsewhere – Unlike many who return to this school for grad degrees (because it is this school). This past year has gone faster than I could have ever believed. I hope the next few actually slow down a little, I want to have more time with my friends, more time in this place. More time to get it right.

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