Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Craft of Process, Process of Craft

I’m sitting here in my kitchen, amidst the cloying sweet smell of burning elm, and ruminating about creative writing.
When I first began to write creative works, I wasn’t quite one of the “as it is written first is as it must be, to be true” school, but close. I didn’t know any techniques to focus upon anyway, so I just wrote.
As I began to actually study creative writing, and learned technique, it seemed to interfere with me at first. The writing didn’t just flow, if I tried to work technically, and if it doesn’t just flow, it doesn’t work for me.
Today, I noticed something for the first time, the processes of technique, and purpose driven technical refinement, has become a natural part of the flow for me. It’s not just about getting lucky anymore. As with all learning, getting stuck on the knowledge isn’t the way, it is passing through the knowledge to arrive at simplicity (as another great writer once said).

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