Monday, May 29, 2006

All Things, One Thing

Sometimes it is startling, even to me, how much everything is the same thing, all part of a universal whole.
I want you to read this exerpt from Creation and Destruction: The Operational Level of War by Col. John Boyd, and then read the article about Neurogenesis I linked in my previous entry.

"Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, all taken together, show that we cannot determine the character or nature of a system within itself. Moreover attempts to do so lead to confusion and disorder - mental as well as physical. Point: We need an external environment, or outside world, to define ourselves and maintain organic integrity, otherwise we experience dissolution and disintegration - i.e. we come unglued.

Living systems are open systems; closed systems are nonliving systems. Point: If we don't communicate with the outside world - to gain information for knowledge and understanding as well as matter and energy for sustenance - we die out to become a nondiscerning and uninteresting part of that world."

Emphasis (bolding and italics) is mine.

Now, go read the entry where I originally posted those paragraphs: Journey

Some people will never understand that if you are going to have them, you cannot seperate faith and science. They are two approaches to the same questions. I realize I am one of the few people for whom both work almost equally well, but I dont think that changes the fact that they are seeking to answer the same things.
I wish people would be able to pull their heads out of their asses enough to see the connection, and stop fighting about whose dog is better. Everything is part of the whole.
Not the way of this world though.

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