Nice Guys Finish Last... and Real Sons'A'Bitches Get Backshot Before the Last Turn
There seems to be a debate between people of a certain "hardness" as to what consitutes a "nice guy" and whether or not it is something to be. Some, many, take the stand that a nice guy is weak, cowering, manipulative and unable to deal with sudden shock or change with resiliency or flexibility. Others take the stand that sort of man is a pussy, and real nice guys are simply good, even keeled, men who can handle stress without being dicks, but who can "flip the switch" and do what needs doing when it needs done.
I am of the latter camp.
I believe fairly strongly in leading a good life, to my definition. That includes being a good person, again to my definition.
There is a lot to be said for love and kindness - There isnt enough of either in the world. I want to be treated with respect and I try (although this is a struggle for me at times) to treat others with respect. A calm, steady, hand and kind voice will deliver fantastic results from most horses, dogs and children most of the time. It works amazingly well on adult humans too - Sometimes even in the face of their agression, a kind word is a more powerful weapon than an angry one.
All this I believe - All this I try to practice. But this is not the all to a good life, or being a good person.
If you cannot stand up to violence, aggression, and if neccessary overcome it with your own violence and aggression, you will never be able to uphold or protect the standards you wish to live by of good behavior. Cowering in fear is not "nice" or "good" - There is no moral superiority, or emotional, karmic, darmic, spiritual superiority, in allowing yourself to be pushed, herded, or brutalized. Allowing yourself to be those things, even (if not especially) in some misguided attempt to be the "bigger person", borders on vile cowardice. Allowing your family (or yourself tot he detriment of your family) to be pushed, herded or brutalized is sickening weakness, and I honestly believe some kind of evil.
Nice guys are not pussies. Nice guys are kind, friendly, helpful, decent, respectful men who will allow no harm to come to themselves, or those they love, without at least taxing it to their utmost ability.
Someone who cant do that, but says he is a "nice guy" isnt, he's a pussy.
Be as nice as you can, every chance you get. Reserve the options for cruelty and brutality at any moment. Both are neccessary at different times.
Always use kindness with dogs, horses, children and most women.
Be ready to use either with men, and some women.
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