The Thin Line Between Civilization and Anarchy
I’ve been trying to keep informed about the post-Katrina stabilization and rescue efforts, and find out about immediate opportunities to get into the area, and have noticed something. Several private contractor companies, the kind who provide private security contractors in Iraq, have gotten or are in the process of acquiring contracts to go to New Orleans and similarly affected areas to provide armed security and medical response. They are paying in the neighborhood of $400 a day for those with the qualifications they are looking for (all too high speed, low drag for me to qualify).
High-risk employment Private Security/Military Contractors operating on American soil, and actually needed! on our soil too. I wish I could say I never though I would see the day. Unfortunately, I’ve known we would see the day for a long time now.
What I didn’t know, what I couldn’t guess, is just how easily it would come. How easily the framework of our society can come crumbling down. How fine the line between Civilization and Anarchy actually is.
The armed gangs, the looters, the general pandemonium, chaos and merciless anarchy that has risen up in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina is nothing short of phenomenal. The people who need assistance are the biggest threat to those trying to assist right now. And relatively, it took very little doing. It took one big storm, a lot of wind, and a lot more water to send a large American city from functional and stable into a tailspin of uncontrollable unrest.
And the people doing it all? They want this. The looters, rioters, rapists, murderers, they want to live like this, and act like this. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be.
I’ve already seen media personalities, and various supposed experts and important people (I.E. Jesse Jackson, a most self-aggrandized lying blowhard) jumping up and down and crying out that this is a race issue, that its an issue of the haves vs. the have nots (the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie, to use a term from another era), of the oppressed vs. the oppressors, poor vs. rich.
Simply put, that’s not what its about at all. It’s about animals acting like animals (and to anyone getting ready to say I am picking on blacks, calling them animals, I’d ask you to keep your ideas to yourself – I’m talking about all races, creeds and colors who act that way).
I’ve heard people say that since the average poor family in Nawlins makes less than $10,000 a year they didn’t have the money or resources to evacuate (bug out) when the hurricane was bearing down on them. Fuck that nonsense. I grew up and have lived most of my life (still being a young man) in a family that made less than $6,000 a year on average. We always had a vehicle (maybe not the best vehicle, but we’ve always had one), we always had suitcases (and if that failed we always had plastic bags), we always had shoes. That’s all you need to leave an area and take your shit with you.
This isn’t an issue of the poor and oppressed being left behind to die by the rich. This is a case of a bunch of people too stupid to listen to reason finally having to pay the price for their stupidity. Most stupidity in this day and age carries a relatively small price, but the piper will always have to be paid in the end.
This isn’t a case of active, or even passive, racism. This isn’t the proletariat suffering at the callous and cruel hands of the bourgeoisie. This is the stupid suffering at their own hands, and then getting sand in their cunts about it.
In this day and age when our children are taught entitlement instead of responsibility and self-dependence not one of us should be surprised that the situation in New Orleans has degraded as far, and as quickly, as it has.
The continual allowance for stupidity: the continual passing of kids through grades when they wont do the work; the continual mediocritization of everyone in the schools and workforce so that there is “equal opportunity” for the stupid (meaning the intelligent have to be forced lower) and we have “no child left behind” (even if they deserve it); the continual dumbing down of entertainment and information all across the board so that the stupid wont feel left out – all of this teaches everyone that “no matter what, you are entitled. You can be as stupid as you want, act as badly as you want, and you are still entitled to all the same things as those who are willing to learn, willing to be intelligent, and willing to work for what they have”. And all of these things are directly responsible for what we are seeing today in New Orleans.
Any other reason or explanation is simply bullshit. The stupid/willfully ignorant, lazy, ne’er-do-wells of New Orleans (and the rest of the country) have been told for the last thirty years that they are entitled to whatever they want without having to make any effort, without having to be anything but stupid, lazy and ne’er-do-well, and until now our society has been stupid enough to support that belief. Now, now that something truly awful happened and the stupid, lazy and ne’er-do-well actually had to work to come out good, those who still felt entitled are pissed and acting like the shit-heads they are, taking their aggression out on the world around. They have been told they are entitled, so now they are damn well going to act like it and take what they want, do what they want. Simply put, they are acting like little girls with sand in their cunts.
Fuck ‘em, I hope they all get shot.
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