Thursday, May 12, 2005

Nickelodeon Re-Writes American History

Nick' Tells it Like it.... isn’t?

Here’s the transcript of the original Nick' broadcast -

"My name is Fabiola and I’m from San Antonio, Texas and the Alamo is in my backyard.

In 1718, the Mission of San Antonio de Valero was established.

The church structure is still standing today and it’s known as the Alamo.

The battle for the Alamo is often remembered as the rebellion of a small group of brave Texas farmers fighting against the Mexican army.

What you may not know is that at the time, Texas was a part of Mexico.

By the early 1800s, most of the people living in San Antonio were farmers who brought their slaves with them.

In 1829, Mexico abolished slavery and what followed was years of conflict between white farmers who wanted to keep their slaves and Mexican authorities.

This conflict led up to the battle for the Alamo.

In the end, General Santa Anna and 5000 Mexican soldiers surrounded the Alamo.

And all of the defenders of the mission were killed.

So, when you remember the Alamo, think of the soldiers, the battles and the true story behind it."

So this is what passes for history when it comes to educating our youth?
Of course it is. In the era of political correctness, when strong independence of the type that stood to fight at the Alamo is regarded as boorish and out of line (your minders, your supposed betters, don’t like it when you think for yourself, it threatens their control of you - strength and independence are wrong), an even like the Alamo can only be taught within some demeaning context.
It’s okay for the Mexicans to have used force against the men at the Alamo, especially if they were just slave owners right? That’s what they fought the Civil War about, after-all, wasn’t it?

Where does it end? Even I was taught in public school that the War for States Rights was fought over Slavery and nothing more. By the time I have children, they will probably be teaching that was why the Alamo was fought too.
Independence is fine, for the oppressed minority groups like Black slaves and Mexican soldiers (murderers) but white people are not allowed, especially those who actually have a set of balls and have little qualms about killing those who need killing. That’s wrong, because I guess we are somehow supposed to be inferior. No, its rarely ever said out-right, but that’s where all this kind of revisionism points, towards painting independent strong American's from Revolutionaries to Rebels as horrendous fiends, human rights abusers on the scale of Aparthied Afrikaans. Lies by implication - backhanded half-truth implications to begin with. What happened to "Equality"? Oh wait, I forgot, it's another one of their lies.
(And lest anyone cry I am a White Supremacist, raving against minority groups, I am not... I despise white supremacists and separatists - Anti-social, maybe, racist? Never. I consider myself a realist, and dislike most of humanity in an abstract sense, leaving for individuals of any colour race and creed to sway me personally and directly as to how I regard them.)
This kind of bullshit is like some mutated form of the malignant cancer that originated as half-hearted Liberal stroke jobs, from rich white "bleeding hearts" to try and buy their way into minority sympathy for one way or another, to assuage some sense of guilt that they may have possessed. For their guilt, we must all carry guilt for being evil white revolutionaries, who would dare try to claim freedom for ourselves, dare to use violence.
The mutation occurs when this sort of thing butts up against other liberal agendas, such as the anti-gun movement, where-in people in an attempt to hide from the really real world because its just a little harder than they'd like to see, they try to paint everything strong or violent as wrong, because it threatens two things for them, first strength and the ability to use it threaten them because they lack it and are jealous of it, and second, as if often the case these kind of people think they know better than everyone else - but find trouble convincing the independent spirit, especially the well armed one, of their supreme "rightness". I doubt its even a conscious effort with many of them, its a subconscious control-act. Make everyone submissive, subservient and subordinate to those with money and influence. The problem comes when they raise the flag and call others to them, who actually believe in the "nice-ified" versions of this, social out-reach and everybody need a hug programs, and amass legions of following herd beasts who pay nary a thought as to whether or not their "liberal goodness" might actually have a darker, and far less "liberal" mission.
(Not to say I am not a "Liberal" although I despise that term - I lean to the left on some issues, and do believe in some social programs which the Right/Conservatives wish to abolish because I can personally attest I'm not living on the street thanks to some of them, and I lean to the right on other issues, because I can personally attest that I am alive and its not because some Democrat douche tried to make it illegal for my parents to own guns. Some people need help - but ALL people need freedom, absolute unchallenged freedom.)

This re-telling of the Alamo is a sick melding of the above attitudes towards independence, non-minority groups and war. Unfortunately, these misguided values are what is being taught to our children as the truth, about our past, our present and our future. Its not that I don’t want a world of peace sunshine and happiness, its just that there are two types of people, both of whom dream for that world - but half of us dream about it because it sounds like a nice place to live, and the other half dream about it because it sounds like a nice place to pillage, and I don’t believe such a world can ever exist until we've killed all the people who would pillage it and used them as crop fertilizer. Unfortunately, since this desire and drive is quite basely human, we have a long road ahead of us - and until such day as we find an end to that road, armies, strong tough men will be needed to fight, and defend, the good decent people. Independent, strong fighters are no less good or decent, they are simply the strong-arm of the good and the decent, the thin red line against tyranny, oppression and cruelty toward the innocent. Such men (and today women) as those who stood at the Alamo forsake their innocence, so that you can retain a measure of yours.

The real story of the Alamo was not that the 189 were fighting to retain their Slaves; they were fighting against a force that wished to take their freedom. The Texas revolution had not begun overly slavery; it began because Mexico rescinded its Constitution, leaving the citizens of Texas without rights. The original rebellion was simply to attempt to reinstate the Constitution, but when that measure appeared hopeless it became a revolution for freedom from oppression.
The defenders of the Alamo stood to fight against odds they all knew were unbeatable, and when given the option to flee only one man stood back from the rest who stepped forward to fight. Knowing they would probably die, the defenders of the Alamo stood and fought to their bitter ends, believing that if they fought hard enough, died hard enough, they could hold Santa Ana's army long enough for the other forces of the Texas revolution, Texan and Tejano alike, to mount a resistance and defeat Santa Anna. They fought and died trying to defend their freedoms, and the freedom of all Texians and Tejanos.
Santa Anna was not a soldier for peace, he was not a soldier for right - he was a murderous and brutal leader, who less than a month after slaying all defenders of the Alamo, had around 350 men his forces had taken prisoner marched into a field in Goliad Texas, and shot to death, after making promises to each of them that he would be going home soon. After being shot, the bodies of the men were burned and left to stink and rot in the heat.

Take it upon yourselves to learn about the history of this (or any) Nation. Do not trust single outside sources, do the work yourself. We are all doomed if we forget our history. What we forget, we are destined to repeat.

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