I happened to come across the following article this evening: http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/nation/11583319.htm
Since that link will probably eventually die, I am actually going to steal it, so bare with me and actually read this...
Student suspended over call from mom serving in Iraq 

Knight Ridder Newspapers

COLUMBUS, Ga. - (KRT) - Kevin Francois gave up his lunch break to talk to his mother, but it ended up costing him the rest of the school year.
Francois, a junior at Spencer High School in Columbus, was suspended for disorderly conduct Wednesday after he was told to give up his cell phone at lunch while talking to his mother who is deployed in Iraq, he said.
His mother, Sgt. 1st Class Monique Bates, left in January for a one-year tour and serves with the 203rd Forward Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division.
"This is our first time separated like this," said Francois, 17, on Thursday.
Bates came to Fort Benning with her son from Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Ga. She enrolled him at Spencer in August. Since her deployment overseas, Francois, whose father was killed when he was 5 years old, lives with a guardian who has five children in Columbus.
The incident happened when Francois received a call from his mother at 12:30 p.m., which he said was his lunch break. Francois said he went outside the school building to get a better reception when his mother called. A teacher who saw Francois on his phone told him to get off the phone. But he didn't.
According to the Muscogee County School District Board of Education's policy, students are allowed to have cell phones in school, but cannot use them during school hours.
"They are really allowed to have those cell phones so that after band or after chorus or after the debate and practices are over they have to coordinate with the parents," said Alfred Parham, assistant principal at Spencer. "They're not supposed to use them for conversating back and forth during school because if they were allowed to do that, they could be text messaging each other for test questions."
Francois said he told the teacher, "This is my mom in Iraq. I'm not about to hang up on my mom."
Francois said the teacher tried to take the phone, causing it to hang up.
The student said he then went with the teacher to the school's office where he surrendered his phone. His mother called again at 12:37 p.m. and left a message scolding her son about hanging up and telling him to answer the phone when she calls.
Parham said the teen's suspension was based on his reaction when he was asked to give up the cell phone and told about the school's cell phone policy.
"Kevin got defiant and disorderly with Mr. Turner and another assistant principal," Parham said Thursday. "He got defiant with me. He refused to leave Mr. Turner's office. When a kid becomes out of control like that they can either be arrested or suspended for 10 days. Now being that his mother is in Iraq, we're not trying to cause her any undue hardship; he was suspended for 10 days."
Wendall Turner is another assistant principal at Spencer.
Parham said the student used profanity when he was taken into the office. He said he tried to work out something with the student. But Francois said he was too frustrated he couldn't answer the phone when his mother called him the second time.
"I even asked Kevin, 'You know we can try to work something out to where if your mother wants to call you she can call you at the school,'" Parham said. "So we've tried to work with Kevin and we're going to continue to try to work with Kevin and his mother and his relatives. In the course of good order and discipline, we have to abide by our policy."
Francois admitted he was partially at fault for his behavior but said he should have been allowed to talk to his mother.
"I was mad at the time, but I feel now maybe I should've went about it differently," he said. "Maybe I should've just waited outside to pick up the phone. But I don't I feel I should've changed any of my actions. I feel I was right by not hanging up the phone."
For Francois, he said he gets to hear from his mother once a month, and phone calls vary depending on when she can use the phone in Iraq. Francois said his mother calls as late as 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. and tries to catch him during hours he's awake. He said the phone call Wednesday was the first time she called him while he was at school.
Francois, who said he has been struggling with his grades in school, wants to go back to school and finish the rest of his year. He fears he may have to pay for summer school because of his punishment.
"My grades had been low, but I was bringing them up. My grades were coming back up. On one of my report cards I had like a 'F' in one of my classes, but I brought it back up to a low 'C.' This just brought me all the way down."
© 2005, Columbus Ledger-Enquirer (Columbus, Ga.).
Now isnt that nice?
Yes, I find it quite lovely... the compassion, the empathy, the fairness... or I should say, the lack of all those things. Leave such a unique taste in the mouth... that is if you find shit unique.
This one statement from Mr. Parham is, frankly, scary:
"He got defiant with me. He refused to leave Mr. Turner's office. When a kid becomes out of control like that they can either be arrested or suspended for 10 days."
This is the American education system of today - if a student disagrees with teachers, refuses to accept their heavy handed rules and regulations, dares to defy their supposed "authority", he or she can be arrested. The police will come, put the child in handcuffs, put them in the back of a squad car and take them to jail.
If this doesnt strike you as wrong, you need a new pair of reality glasses, your old prescription isnt working.
Teachers and school administrators in this nation are given a power over children that is akin to that of God, otherwise known as their parents. They also have a burden of trust, and a great responsibility. They are trusted by parents, and in fact the public at large, to provide the youth of our nation with the knowledge and skills they need to survive and get ahead in this world, and to be
self-actualized people. They have the responsibility to do this to the best of their ability. And across the board they are failing.
Those who should be enablers are disablers, those who should strive for betterment strive only for mediocrity, those who should be pushing the ideals of individualism and free will instead force a doctrine of obiedience and absolute adherance to a system of rules and regulations. Instead of teaching students about the world and how to work and survive in it in a positive way, that shapes their view in terms of what they can do as individuals with minds of their own, public schools and the officials there-of teach students about the world in a negative way, shaping their view based on what they cannot do, on the rules, regulations and politically correct doctrine of how to live a life just like everyone elses, where there is no better or worse, "everyone is a super-star" student/worker-bee/grist for the mill...
It is all bullshit and it is killing us, and it wont be a slow death... but it will be painful.
Such disabiling of the youth of tomorrow all but ensures our defeat on the global economic and political field. If we cannt muster the resources of creative development to remain competative in the global markets, our nation will quickly go under. We are already in enough trouble as it is, gas prices are coming close to breaking us and recovering from that once is starts to improve will take decades - if we suddenly plumet to the bottom of the global economic food-chain, we will never recover. Unfortunately, the only resource we truly have left to keep us from doing that is an intellectual resource, and thanks to our state controlled, tax payer funded public schools, we are looking at an ever shrinking pool of creative intellectual talent in this country.
It is simply sickening.
We should be encouraging students to be individuals, to be self actualizing, to be independant and to be proud of being better, smarter, faster, than others, even their classmates. Life is rarely what we might call perfectly fair, but is is balanced, and treating everyone the same way because thats closer to "fair for everyone" than the natural order is, simply, wrong-headed and completely unbalanced. Some people are better than others, some people are smarter than others, and some people are more deserving of the career and personal benefits of their gifts. We have to accept this and embrace it, instead of shunning it because it is not politically correct.
Political correctness and zero tolerance are destroying our future - the kids in todays public schools are not the leaders of tomorrow, there are no leaders of tomorrow if thats all we have to work with. You cannot lead a ruin.
Open Letter to Spencer High School Principal and Mr. Parham: Recently I read a news item regarding a student at Spencer High School by the name of Kevin Francois who was suspended for using his cell-phone to talk to his mother, who is currently deployed in Iraq.
Yes, in the news item I did read the comments of Alfred Parham as to the students supposedly "bad behavior" being the reason for his suspension, and all I can say is that it is nothing short of a load of hogwash.
Obviously Mr. Parham, Mr. Turner and any other school officials involved do not have parents and were simply spawned from beneath slimy rocks by a chemical reaction between algae and pond slime, otherwise they would understand the bond between a young man and his parent. Particularly his only surviving parent currently deployed to one of the most dangerous places in the world.
It is the claimed job of school officials, from the administration to the teachers; to help young men and women learn and grow into healthy, capable and adaptable adults. There is possibly no higher duty in the world than that of being a teacher. It is also one of the most trusted positions in our country, and one that should be treated accordingly.
Unfortunately the officials at Spencer High, in particular Mr. Parham and his superiors who condone his behavior, appear to be completely negligent in this duty and lacking all respect for those who entrust their children and their futures to them. I cannot say whether this is due to simple anal retentiveness, or it is simply because they do not care, being the kind of simple minded bureaucrats who often run schools by the numbers, who’s only desire is more federal aid and grant money, instead of as the sort of compassionate human beings who actually can have positive affects on young peoples lives. One way or the other it is a travesty and those involved should be simply ashamed.
Schools should be places where our nations youth learn to expand their minds, see outside of the boxed commonly placed by the negative influences of society, and come to grips with the world around them and the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in it. It should be a positive growth experience, based around all the possibilities of what an individual can do, and dedicated to improving the individual. Unfortunately this is not the case, and definitely appears not to be so at Spencer.
Based on this incident I can only assume that Spencer is a perfect example of the wrong kind of school: An environment where the student’s world is shaped not by knowledge of what they can do, but by knowledge of what they cannot do. Where although the curriculum may put a glossy, pretty face to it all, the attitudes, behaviors and policies of the teachers and administrators shape the students idea of the world with negatives, rules and regulations about what they are not supposed to do. Yet another failing public institution, cracking down on personal rights and freedoms in an effort to retain some feeling of value and power (It costs too much and requires too much actual effort to educate, so the choice is made to dominate instead) and assisting those it claims to be helping only in making a quick trip straight into mediocrity.
Students who leave school only knowing rules, regulations and how not to act, have nothing available to them in life except to become submissive and work to achieve the goals, demands and desires of others. This is not a future, this is not hope – it is dirty, ugly, desperation and desolation of the individual disguised as “the truth”.
To take away a young mans connection to his only surviving parent, who is in a dangerous situation and may die at any moment, is failing to provide anything better than the draconian picture I painted above. It is failing to provide the nurture and support that is needed to actually teach, to help others to learn and grow, especially developing people like high school students. Such a strict adherence to rules and regulations, completely devoid of any human compassion or understanding, is exactly why so many students drop out, get failing grades and never end up going to college. Such negative behavior and oppression of the individual may be why less and less students may be why Georgia ranks on the lower end of the scale in terms of education. Such a poor ranking, such a poor delivery upon the promise of educating and enabling young people, can be directly explainable by a widespread occurrence of behavior such as was displayed to Mr. Francois. I mean, would any reasonable person feel any desire to listen to, or continue listening to, people who would commit battery and attempted theft of personal property in an effort to enforce a rule about cell-phone use that is senseless given the circumstances of the students phone usage? Would any reasonable person not get angry about that? If you are honest with yourselves, I think you have no choice but to empathize with Mr. Francois, who you treated without empathy, understanding or fairness. If you cannot empathize with him, and fall back on “well rules are rules” then there is no psychologist or psychiatrist in the nation who would not say you are damaged goods, suffering some form of a character disorder.
Treating people without empathy, without any sense of fairness, because the rule book says all people are to be treated alike, is not the kind of thing educators should rightfully stand for, it goes against everything education should be about. Suppression of the individual is not education. Those such as Mr. Parham who attempt suppression of the individual, and then make petty excuses and lame justifications for it are disablers, destroyers of hopes and dreams. Perhaps once someone did that to them and they feel the need to do the same to others, out of a petty since of spite, or perhaps they are just mentally broken – Either way, they are wrong, disgusting individuals and should be ashamed of themselves and the damage the inflict upon the youth entrusted to their care.
Such behavior is why I will refuse until the day I die to enter my child into any public school in this or any other nation – such soul crushing, emotionally disabling centers of indoctrination of truly mindless “politically correct” opinion and thought are a waste of tax dollars, and I refuse to assist paying the salaries of people such as Mr. Parham by adding another child’s name to the roster of children a school receives money for. It is a waste, a horrible and tragic waste of not just money, but of minds. It is destroying our future. The greatness of our nation will fall because of public schools and educations like Mr. Parham turning out legion upon legion of mindless, conformist, submissives who have been broken and molded away from being unique, dynamic and creative individuals and who lack the skills needed to keep America competitive in the rapidly changing political and economic world.
Morgan Atwood