Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm really enjoying the shit out of NewsBurst from CNet - customizable with a variety of news and entertainment feeds provided right at your finger-tips, and the ability to add your own preffered XML/RSS feeds, and put them all in their own little categories for handy access with your preffered of two viewing options. Makes for a groovy home page, even for someone like me who avoids the news like the plague most days (yes, even though I preach understanding and awareness, I dont seek out the general news, only what I feel I need to know that day - blowing my mental circuits on most of the absolute crap that is foisted off as "news" would be a waste of a beautiful mind.)

Coming home is always nice. After spending most of the past month not at home, returning with a lot off my mind (work, family issues, school all temporarily relieved) is nice. Sure, the cats managed to turn a slightly disorderly home into a toxic disaster area while I was gone, and sure there is only electricity in half the house right now... but yeah, its good to be home.
Clear skies, artifact hunting and hikes... in the past two days I managed to shoot up an entire brick of .22 ammo, most of it all on Saturday. Its amazing how fast 500 rounds of ammo can be shot up... and I was trying to moderate myself. Lots of killed tin cans, lots and lots. Plus a couple busted alarm clocks, and half full cans of old dried paint.
Home is good... refuge and storm all in one, but more importantly than being my refuge, it is my storm.

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