Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New Template & RKBA Stuff

First things first, thanks to Faces of Yve for this amazing new look for herr-blog, making it look better than the rest of the site. Rockin' cool.
(Legal Dept.: Any and all errors on these blog pages are mine and mine alone, the template was perfect until I took my mutant talents for HTML to it to format it for the blog... so, ya know, bitch at me only.)

A friend passed the following link along to me earlier this evening and I felt like sharing it:
Its the same thing I've said before, and I'll no doubt need to say it again, but a little bit of authority on the issue is nice.
The former AG (John Ashcroft) may have been a tyrant, but the office itself deserves high marks for that document, and possessing the honesty and integrity to publish it.

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