Monday, February 14, 2005

The current administration has done a beautiful thing to the divisions in America. They have driven the Left further from the Right, as both Left and Right administrations will do, but they have also driven the Right from itself.
The division line between the more Libertarian right, and the hardline "The Party-Way, or the Highway" fools, is growing more and more.
As the administration faces its last possible four years in office, they have much less to fear than before. 2001 - 2004 they had to worry about re-election. Now, they have no such constraints. With a republican controlled Congress and Senate, and no fears of damaging themselves by alienating the people, everything is fair game.
Revolution, in any form (although I dont mean armed uprise) is much harder now, because of their "devil may care" position, and because of the divisions lines widening and changing.
The traditional model of "one side vs. other side" is no longer true. The right is divided against itself now, and although the disenchanted-right has similar goals to the left, they still have a war with one another.
Divide and conquer - we are all going to get too busy fighting each other, and the administration is going to get away with whatever they wish. By the time we realize, if we do, it will be on a downward spiral that will take decades to pull out of, if we can.

Some generations witnessed the birth of our nation (the Revolution), some witnessed its coming of age (the Civil War), some witnessed the Great Wars (WW-I through Vietnam), but we are the children of the Fourth Generation of warfare, here to bear witness to an uncertain age.
There is battle on so many fronts - there are tears and there is tyranny, more often unseen than not.

We must have strength, mind body and spirit, if we are to survive in any meaningful way. No end is ever the end - it is always a new beggining - but begginings are chaotic, dangerous and often brutal, and new-eras need to be born and shaped even after.
A friend said to me that this would be the time of Warrior-Priests... strong leaders, who can protect and guide. He may be right.
Our designated leaders are not these men... make no mistake.

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