Monday, January 24, 2005

More of the same...

I've had a cold for the last week + and havent been able to do much but watch TV, so I've seen a lot of the news of the woman kidnapped in east-Texas, who's body was found in West-Texas. I've even managed to read a few bulletin board discussions about this incident.
On one, a firearms related board, they were making a big deal about the killer having been shot during a later crime and having to drag his sorry ass to the hospital. This is indeed note-worthy, because the fucker deserved to be shot. They were also noting how regretful it was that the young woman did not have a gun.
One poster also raised the issue of the wal-mart security personel needing to be taken to task for not doing their job and better patroling the parking lot and thus possibly preventing this attack. I'm not sure I agree with this, as the primary function of security at a retail store is loss-prevention. Their job is to secure the merchandise, cash and ability of the store to keep selling that merch, raking in that cash. In this one Texas store, they technically did their job. They allowed nothing to happen that cost that Wal-Mart any money, caused them any losses. Its not really their job to protect personnel.
This is just one more example of something I've said before - everyones safety is their responsibility, and theirs alone... no one else will protect you, you cannot depend on that.

This leaves me sorely tempted to comment that if anyone should be criticized for their actions resulting in harm, it is that young woman. Hey... lifes tough, wear a helmet. Or, have some situational awareness, dont walk around with your head up your ass failing to notice threats until its too late, and be prepared to fight like a wild-cat when trouble comes anyway.
This is everyones responsibility... if no one else can be counted on to protect you 100% of the time(and no one else can) then that duty falls squarely on your shoulders. Not recognizing and accepting that, that is a failing.
Sorry if that seems harsh to some... I'm just not in a real hugs for everyone mood tonight.
I am sorry the young woman got killed... what a waste of life. It is very sad.

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