Saturday, September 11, 2004

Capable... what every human being should be, and too many arent..

I was researching large blade combatives/machete fighting and came across the following article:
Dismissing (if you wish) the Christian theme of the websight, there are some very important examples and lessons in there for everyone. If more children were raised in that kind of environment, with that kind of instruction and teaching, the world would be a better, safer place.
I look at the lessons there seperate from the overall Christian theme because I am not a Christian and I find no particular strength in looking at the article through that filter... and because many folks are like me, I suggest the same. Beyond theology (an issue upon which people are all togather too hung up at times) this is a very important piece.
I congratulate this womans parents for their way of raising their children and teaching them to be capable people, broadening their horizons and giving them not just the teaching but the experiance, and the trust, to learn to handle themselves, in all ways. It is truly admirable, and far far too rare.

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