Sunday, September 18, 2005

SAS Trainers Denounce Armed Met. Police

Seems some of the SAS tasked with training the Metropolitan Police's "elite" armed unit dont think the police are fit for the job. Not "psychologically or physically" equipped or prepared.
Imagine that shit!
From a nation that is disarmed, thats promotes cowering in fear over proactive defense of self, and that encourages people to believe that protection from the government is all thats needed, is anyone surprised that regular citizens turned police officers wouldnt have it upstairs to properly use firearms?
Most people who apply to be Police Officers in this nation dont have that problem. America still has, uses and is rather open about liking guns. This is a good thing. Young men and women who join the police probably have some experience with arms already, and go into it knowing they are going to get more. Thats why when our police go train at someplace like the Rogers School (a shooting school that gives SpecWar types a good schooling), the instructors never have to go and publically say "They are all unfit!"
When you have a nation of un-armed sheep... thats your stock to pick from for police officers too. Not so here, and thank the gods.
See: Every Rancher a Rifleman


Sniffy said...

You may be right, but I think the reason the Met Police are unfit to bear arms is because some of the coppers over here are not much different to criminals themselves. Some are thugs and bullies and lose respect for the general public as soon as they wear the uniform (and take it off again). On the other side of the coin though, there are coppers that walk the beat unarmed and generally do a decent job. We've generally done OK without an armed police force so far. I don't think it's anything to do with cowardice, it's more to do with having a different attitude to things over here - we've just never been an armed society and it kind of feels nice that way.

Chaos-Live said...

I dont think unarmed police were an act of cowardice - Things used to be different. In the short history of organized policing many of the first cops got along heavily on a night-stick or a blackjack. But, things have changed in the world since then.
Everyone believes in a world of sunshine happiness and peace. Half of us think it sounds like a wonderful place to live. The other half think it sounds like a wonderful place to pillage. And that half doesnt believe in law and order, or bother to obey it, unless made to.
If you want to talk cowardice what I will say is cowardice is prosecuting citizens for defending their lives, something that seems common in the UK. There is no nobility in the idea that when faced with death one should lie down and take it, or worse, wait for someone "official" to come help, instead of hurting someone.
Unfortunately, a lot of people think there is. If thats the dominating idea within a nation, the nation faces a problem when it comes to protecting itself because when trying to find warriors to serve and defend, the list keeps getting shorter and shorter.
Thats my complaint and reason for posting the article.
And yes, such voids make it easy for the thugs, pillagers, to step in and assume the uniform as a way of making their lives of thuggery and general nastiness easier.

An armed society is a polite society - an unarmed society is one that waits in vain for someone with a gun, or a night stick, to come along and tell the impolite how to behave.