Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another, Very Large, Nail in the Coffin

Supreme Court Rules: Cities Can Sieze Private Property for Sale to Developers

I could cry.
I am upset that my government (I say mine because I am subject to them, not because I elected them or feel like I have any power over them whatsoever any longer) would take away the little bit of comfort many terminally ill people have. It saddens me.
I am upset that my government would, in a completely knee-jerk fashion, put constraints upon the first ammendment against burning the flag. As distasteful as it may be, it is still something supposedly guaranteed by the Constitution as free speech. That angers me.
But that my government would essentially deny the right of property ownership to the common man, who has no recourse against the money and influence of big business, and say that those big businesses can simply buy (or however they motivate local politicians) the siezure of any property they decide they want? I am ashamed, appalled, angry and hurt beyond words.

The Constitution is dead. Those of us who believe in it, numerous as we may be, are no match for those who power who dont. Some of us "believers" are still too damn fool to realize the very people they elected (*coughcoughdubyacoughcough*) are part of this enemy to the constitution, but even if they did, what does it matter? We the people have no power over the Supreme Court... and no politician has the spine (much-less the balls) to challenge them in any fashion.
As bad as it gets, I usually have an honest bit of (probably naive) hope. What hope is there in this?

My patriots blood runs cold, my spine aches with the strength of standing stiff against the unstoppable winds of tyranny, and the bile in my throat speaks for the acid tongues of my fore-fathers who's lifes work, freedom, is being desecrated.

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