Wednesday, November 17, 2004

It is not often that I am shocked or put at a loss by the general illness of the mind that pervades my fellow human beings. This is something that I often praise myself for, I can look into the abyss and it finds nothing edible within my soul when it looks back into me, we share a blackness of knowing and un-shockability.
Most of the time.
Enter the pro-ana movement. This may be old hat to many of you, but to me it is quite new. Incase you are like me, pro-ana is a movement which declares that anorexia and bulemia are not diseases (disorders if you prefer the gentler language of panderers and kiss-asses) but are "positive lifestyle choices", and encourages these "lifestyles".
Rape, murder, mutilation, emotional abuse and torture, greed, cruelty, these are all things I am, while not comfortable with, realize are part of the world and accept that, as much as one can accept any evil. But this pro-ana shit? How can they look in the mirror every morning, at their sickly thin bodies and say "I am not sick"? How can they encourage others to kill themselves in this manner, and say "I am not sick"?

I dont care what people do to themselves for the most part. These are personal choices, and if you decide to throw away your life, disfigure your body, poison it or otherwise desecrate yourself, that is your prerogative. People kill themselves all the time... so do it quick, some do it slow.
But to encourage others to suffer under your illness? To embrace it and welcome suck sickness, such perversion of life? The idea is sickening to me. It is not something I had actually conceived of before.
Straight up murder can be a more honorable act than this.
These people are beyond sick... they are twisted and neigh to evil. The world would be a better place if instead of encouraging others to their illness they simply embraced their self loathing and put themselves down the quick way.

When confronted with things like this I do not warm up and expand my heart to want to help more people... I do just the opposite. I get harder and colder, and my heart gets a little blacker. I have less and less love, compassion and understanding for my fellow man every time I see something like this.
Because they do not deserve it.
Prove to me, on an individual basis, that you are deserving of these things, and these things you shall receive... but human beings, in general, are sickness given form, and I have no duty but to loathe them for being the worst they possibly can.

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