The "Wisdom" of Anne Coulter and the extreme Religious Right
From Anne Coulter's newest book...
"Liberals subscribe to Darwinism not because it’s “science,” ... but out of wishful thinking. Darwinism lets them off the hook morally. Do whatever you feel like doing... Just do it – and let Mother Earth sort out the winners and losers."
The funny thing is most of the people I know who subscribe to "Darwinism" have a pretty strong moral code tied into it. Darwinian/Evolutionary ethics are not some scientifically labeled version of the pagan "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law".
One could, in the same vein of ignorance and arrogance as Ms. Coulter say "Conservatives subscribe to Christianity not because of any "true faith,"... but out of wishful thinking. Christianity lets them off the hook morally. Do whatever you feel like doing... Just do it - and go to Church on Sunday and apologize."
One could say that... and I actually think that one would be more correct in saying that than Ms. Coulters commentary on liberals. I know a great many people who are Christians for that very reason - They can do what they want, go to Church and ask for forgiveness, and not have to worry about the long term consequences because Jesus is coming back any day now and as one of the faithful they will join Heavens Host and all will be peachy. The supposed morality of many of the faithful is much more corrupt, much more of a lie, than that of the believers in science.
Coulter is one of these people, the morally bankrupt posing as the righteous, and has as much as owned up to it by saying ""God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"on the 6/20/01 airing of Hannity & Colmes.
She has an utter disrespect for the world (the gifts thereof), and for people - Only a blind greed she supports with an illusionists pillar of morality and faith.
And there is a large faction of the Conservatice voter on the ground who supports her whole-heartedly and believe they are all Right, and Good and Moral.
These people are the Enemy. Not the enemy of liberals (Frankly, piss on the liberals. I am not a liberal - Coulter is simply wrong.), but the Enemy of Everything.
They are the enemy of Science, of Progress, of everything that will carry mankind forward. If there are new heights we can achieve in this world, as a people, those of Coulters ilk are the enemy of that ahievement.
They are morally bankrupt, ethically corrupt, self interested people - They want to consume, to destroy for personal profit. They would reap the world to a dead husk in an attempt to fill that deep, aching, hole in their middle without ever realizing it simply gets more ravenous the more it is fed. They support their greed and the death within themselves with their illusions of moral superiority, and all the hate and vitriol they can manage for everyone else. The truly frightening part is the heights to which their hunger and hatred and disrespect allow them to rise.
Their faith in themselves and in the universe is so weak, such a sham, they are so fearful, so hateful because of that, they cannot deal with challenge or question or doubt. They cannot incorporate the beauty of progress and knowledge into their understanding of... everything, because it challenges the illusions they have become so dependant upon. So they hate, and destroy. Anne Coulter is just their poster-girl. The neo-puritanical pin-up girl. Centerfold for the Conservative consumer machine.
Evil fucking cunt.
(PS - Though my original title was "Wisdom of Anne Coulter" et al, and I didnt copy this or anyone elses title, in my hunt for quotes Washington Weekly has a nice little article titled "The Wisdom of Anne Coulter" full of quotations from her. Its good reading. )